Sunday, October 31, 2010

Leave the ghost hunting for late night

Television shows about chasing ghosts and evil spirits seem to be all over the television now. But how many of these shows are actually real? Are these so called ghost hunters actually encountering ghosts and spirits like they say they are? Or are they just acting for the part for the shows sake?
In my opinion these shows are completely fake and full of over dramatic acting by the hosts. And might I add that the acting is less than sub-par at best. Now I’m not debating the fact that the stories of the haunted houses and mental asylums aren’t true because they might be I just think that the shows are coming across as way to fake to be even somewhat believable. The hosts are constantly hearing so called voices which sound to me like gusts of wind or static on the microphone. Yet the hosts hear all sorts of threatening messages that seem so farfetched it just seems comical to me. These shows show no hardcore evidence that anything that they are experiencing is actually happening so I find it extremely hard to believe.

However I seem to be alone because there seems to be an uprising in ghost shows on television with the addition of Ghost Hunters on the SyFy channel and Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel with prime time slots. I think that these shows should be left to late night television at best because they take away from time that should be spent on shows that actually entertain people.
Leave the ghost tours for people to experience first-hand and not through their television screens.

Tattoos for Teenagers

Teenagers are always looking for ways to express themselves. What better way to express yourself then a tattoo right? Well that’s the debate with many people nowadays whether or not teenagers should be able to get tattoos. In my opinion tattoos for teenagers are great, but only if they have true meaning to the person. Some people may argue that tattoos should wait until the person is older so they can truly develop a strong idea of who they are. According to some psychologists people usually solidify their self-identities between the ages of 21-23 so if teenagers are getting tattooed earlier then that then they may regret those decisions later.

However I believe that tattoos with meaning should be gotten if the teenager wants them. One of my friends got his first tattoo at 17 of his mother’s name with two cancer ribbons on either side which definitely has meaning and will for the rest of his life. On the contrary another friend of mine recently got a tattoo of M.O.E on the top of his hand. M.O.E stands for money over everything but will this saying really have enough meaning throughout his life to be kept on the top of his hand? I highly doubt this, especially when you’re older and much more mature then you are at eighteen.
So the question I leave you with is: should teenagers get tattoos? Are they mature enough to get something that will be meaningful for the rest of their lives?